Dental Treatments

  • Digital Smile Design

    Say cheese! Can you imagine how your new smile will look ON YOU? With Digital Smile Design and a mock up, It is now possible without touching your natural teeth, so you could decide it up front.

  • Teeth Whitening

    Enlighten your smile! Safe, controlled professional teeth whitening with lamp activation for a pearlescent smile.

  • Orthodontics

    Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that helps prevent and reverse malocclusion, align and straighten crooked, overlapped, rotated or gapped teeth.

    Orthodontic treatments include traditional braces, clear aligners and removable retainers.

  • Lip Fillers

    Lip fillers are used to restore or add volume and plumpness to the lips that have lost their shape, volume or elasticity.

  • Pediatric Dentistry

    Prevention is the best treatment we can give.

    From 5 to 14 years old it is on us! Consultation, cleaning, fluoride and cavities in permanent teeth, all for FREE.

  • Implant Placement

    An Implant is a small titanium piece that replaces a missing root, it is surgically anchored into the jaw bone in a simple and painless session in order to build a crown or bridge to hold a replacement tooth in place.

  • Prosthodontics

    Prosthesis are used to restore (reconstruct) intraoral defects such as missing teeth, soft or hard structures of the jaw and palate.

  • Dental Surgery

    Simple or complex extractions like retained or included teeth, roots, wisdom teeth, implant placement, gum surgery, bone grafting.

    A dental surgeon is also prepared to treat patients with a complicated medical history.

    Most of the procedures are performed under local anesthetic.

  • Dental Restorations

    A tooth restoration is restoring a tooth from a cavity or a fracture, as close as possible to its original form

    and function; so the tooth functions optimally again, in harmony with the adjacent and opposing teeth. Including the aesthetic natural look with the best materials.

  • Endodontics

    Endodontics, also known as root canal therapy, is a dental treatment for removing an infection from inside a tooth. It can also protect the tooth from future infections.

  • Periodontics

    Periodontists help to maintain the health of gums and jawbone, the tissues that support teeth.

  • Amalgam Fillings Removal & Substitution

    Amalgams are old metal fillings that contain silver, tin, copper and mercury. This material is not allowed for dental use anymore since 2018.

  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) Control

    This condition can cause jaw pain, teeth wear and sensitivity. Most people tend to do it during sleep or moments of stress.

    Bruxism treatment may include a night guard for teeth grinding.

  • Dental Radiology

    Dental X-rays provide digital images as a diagnostic procedure that allows dentists to look at dental structures not easily seen with a standard visual inspection.

    There are several types of X-rays, intraoral or extraoral:

    -Bitewing X-Ray
    - Periapical X-Ray
    - Occlusal X-Ray
    - Panoramic X-Ray
    - Cephalometric Projection
    - Cone Beam X-ray

    Dental CT scans take 3D images of the teeth, soft tissues, nerves and bones of the head, enabling a very accurate diagnosis of the patient's oral cavity.