Dental Surgery

When teeth cause problems, or X-rays show they might be down the line, they need to come out. Other good reasons to take them out include:

  • Infection

  • Cavities

  • Fractures

In case of wisdom teeth:

  • Damage to other teeth: That extra set of molars in case of wisdom teeth can push your other teeth around, causing mouth pain and bite problems.

  • Jaw damage: Cysts can form around the wisdom  teeth. If they aren’t treated, they can hollow out your jaw and damage nerves.

  • Sinus  Issues: Problems with wisdom teeth can lead to sinus pain, pressure, and congestion.

  • Inflamed Gums: Tissue around the area can swell and may be hard to clean.

  • Cavities: Swollen gums can create pockets between teeth that help bacteria grow and cavities form.

  • Alignment: Impacted teeth can cause problems with crowding of other teeth and even make treatment to straighten other teeth necessary.